beautiful wallpapers for android
Wallpapers are fun, and they’re also one of the best ways to customize and personalize your tech. We’ve previously presented a few wallpaper collections of our own, such as this one featuring animal wallpapers; we’ve also looked at downloading Android wallpapers using nothing but your browser, and at several other sources for nice mobile wallpapers. But today I’m here with an app we haven’t looked at yet: Wallbase, the mobile companion for the venerable wallpaper website (which we did cover previously). While the app is mobile and well-suited for phone use, the wallpapers are not phone-specific: It draws its selection from the endless well of desktop wallpapers on Wallbase, and the picking and cropping are up to you.

Getting Started

The Wallbase welcome screen offers several ways to start exploring the wealth of beautiful wallpapers for Android on the service:
beautiful wallpapers for android
You can search for specific keywords or colors (as we’ll see later on), scroll through popular or random wallpapers, go through saved wallpapers, or hunt through specific tags. You can also specify whether or not you want your wallpapers to be safe for work and/or “sketchy.” We’ll be going with the “safest” configuration, as you can see above: Everything’s safe for work, and no sketchy images.

Thumbnails, Large And Small

When you pick a category to dig into (Popular, Random, or any keyword), Wallbase switches to a tightly packed grid of thumbnails: