expensive ios appsVarious magazines and TV shows have been dedicated to the finer things in life, or at the very least the more expensive things in life. Forbes hasThe World’s Most Expensive Billionaire Homes list,World’s Most Expensive Cars list and so on. Robb Report gives you a monthly dose of hedonism and then there are websites devoted to simply the most expensive things the hoi polloi can buy, such asBornRich.com and TheMostExpensive.com where you can find whiskey worth more than my liver and kidneys on the black market.
Where do these people get this kind of money? Are these things really worth that much, or is that just the price they put on them because they know rich people do stupid things too? Who knows. But here at MakeUseOf we’ll keep our extravagant spending somewhat useful. Let’s take a look at the Most Expensive iOS apps available to those with caviar dreams and champagne wishes.
Keep in mind, most of the really expensive iOS apps are related to the medical field, since knowledge is obviously so valuable. I’m going to avoid those apps and look at the ones that are a little more extravagant.

10.  Sexy Finger Print Test HD ($99.99)

expensive ios apps
The author claims that this app has had a million downloads in just 180 days. If my math is correct, that would mean his revenue has been about… $99 million dollars. Somehow I don’t think this is an accurate claim. That and the fact that an iPad or iPhone can’t use their touch screen to scan anything tells me this guy is full of it. Or is he? Maybe it does work. Maybe I am sexier than I thought and my finger print can tell me, in HD nonetheless! Maybe… but at $99 we’ll never know.

9. Water Globe ($219.99)

expensive ios games
I’m beginning to think that iOS app developers think everybody has way too much money and not enough brains. Ubiquitous Muffin offers you the chance to have a snowglobe on your screen that you can stir up either by shaking your phone or using your finger. Whoopitty doo! What may be even more sad is that they also offer some very basic games like Boingg Pachinko and Clownbop for the same fantastic price of $219.99. Seriously?

8. BizjetMobile ($249.99)

expensive ios games
Now we’re getting something cool and potentially worth the money. BizjetMobile allows people to connect their iPhone or iPad to an aircraft’s satellite phone and data link. On some smaller aircraft, they may have a satellite data link that goes relatively unused in terms of bandwidth. By connecting an iPad with this application on it to the airplane’s satellite link controller, other BizjetMobile enabled devices can connect to the SLC via Bluetooth.
This makes voice calling and SMS messaging a reality without investing in super expensive phone equipment. This could be ideal for the small charter operator to offer to their jet-set clients.

7. SafeSession Voice Encryption ($299.99)

expensive ios games
While you’re jetting around and chatting on BizjetMobile, you may want to secure your conversation so no one can get your corporate secrets. If that’s the case then SafeSession Voice Encryption is for you. However you have to make sure that your confidants also have the software installed. Personally, I think it’s worth the money just to say to my wife on the end that we’re ‘Going Secure’. Spy-factor coolness included at no extra charge. If you’re not a high-paid spy, maybe you can opt for the Android version of cellular security.

6. Barcelona vs Madrid ($349.99)

most expensive ios games
I’m just as much of a soccer fan as the next Canadian, so maybe I’m missing something when I see that I can play a soccer game, with only two team choices, for $350. From the screen shots, it looks like a nice game and I’m sure it’s fun. But I could just about buy a ticket to a Barcelona vs Madrid game for that kind of coin. Or at least to an Edmonton Oiler’s game. This one must be for people far richer and more football savvy than I am.

5. Tap Menu ($399.99)

most expensive ios games
Now this one appeals to the epicurean in me! I’ve been known to drop as much as $50 in a restaurant including free soda refills, so you know I’m a player! But seriously though, sometimes a great meal is worth the price no matter what. I think Air Vision is definitely on to something here with their iPad menu system. Imagine having a classy high-end restaurant where the specials really are special and the menu may change nightly. You walk in with your beautiful arm-candy date, the garcon shows you to your table and instead of ratty paper menus he places iPads in your hands. Wow factor guaranteed! I’d go eat at a place that had this, just for this reason.

4. Mighty Brace Pro ($499)

most expensive ios games
If you’ve ever bought braces for your children, you know that they really are a luxury item. Or at least they are priced like a luxury item. But what wouldn’t we do for our children? Mighty Mouth has developed the Mighty Brace Pro to aid kids in knowing how to take care of the expensive gear in their mouths. It’s intended for dentists and orthodontists to buy to share with their patients. So at $499 plus the free Mighty Brace Home App that kids can download to keep kids engaged in taking care of their braces and oral hygiene. Yes, this a medical app, but it’s also a luxury that can really pay off in a perfect smile for years to come. I think this one is worth the money.

3. Preebs ($799.99)

The description for this app is a bit confusing, but if I have it right, Preebs is a location-aware billboard advertising small-screen extension. So you pay $800 bucks for this app and if you happen to walk by a billboard that is also participating in the Preebs program… “something” might happen. It might present you with an interactive game, a coupon or messages from other Preebers who have gone this way also. I can see the point in this kind of application, I just can see even rich people spending $800 to get advertised to, even more. I don’t think they care about coupons. If you do, maybe you want to check out Roximity - it’s free.

2. Alpha Trader ($799.99)

Who typifies big money in modern media more than the Gordon Gecko wannabe stock trader? Nobody, that’s who. Now here’s an app that can make your dream of big stock payouts and roller coaster rides on the Nikkei a reality. Alpha Trader has more options than Warren Buffet. Or not. I really don’t know a whole lot about the stock market, but this application seems to have built in market intelligence to assist in turning difficult guesses into easy decisions for the experienced trader. I can actually see that maybe $800 is a small investment for a tool like this to the stock trader. Maybe by investing in this app and learning to time the market, you could make enough to afford (and enjoy) the number one most expensive app.

1. VIP Black ($999.99)

expensive ios apps
Ever heard of American Express’s Black Card? Maybe you have, but chances are you and I will never get one. Invitation only my fellow pedestrian friend. Privilege has its privileges.  The Black Card is the easy way for celebrities and tycoons to drop down a card and pay for a helicopter ride, or a helicopter itself.
VIP Black is playing to that crowd with its mega-rich concierge service. Concierge is a wonderful French word for someone who will do anything you ask, if you have the money. Normally, I don’t like large quotes, but I just can’t say it better than they can:
VIP treatment allows members to geo-locate partner venues and receive extra-special experiences through surprise gifts, welcome packages, complimentary room upgrades, exclusive rates, priority access, and other unique privileges. For premium members VIP treatment is available across our global range of luxury partners.
Partners include Gordon Ramsay Restaurants, Virgin Limited Edition (Necker Island, The Lodge Verbier, and more.), Firmdale Hotels, and many other premium brands, venues and services around the world. Membership covers all aspects of the luxury lifestyle including butlers, theatres, personal trainers, private jets, a concierge, casinos, personal styling… And much more.
Now don’t think you can just scrape up $1000 and get the VIP App and access all this wonderful luxury. No, there will be verification that you are a High Net Worth Individual with income in excess of One Million Pounds!
Is it really worth $1000? If the lottery pays out this weekend, I’ll let you know.

The Take Away

Like everything else in life, you can spend as little or as much as you want on iOS apps. If you happen to have expensive tastes and a thick bankroll, then this is just the tip of the iceberg for your high-rolling ways. Maybe you want to have your iPhone bejewelled as well.
What do you think of these expensive iOS apps? Would they be worth the money to you if you can afford them? What’s the most expensive app you’ve bought? Was it worth the money? Let us know in the comments below.