Twitter’s long-neglected Mac application has just had its first update since June 2011. Version 2.2 of the service’s official desktop client adds support for Retina displays and a redesigned Tweet composer with support for image hosting at
Also included in the update are a set of new icons and support for 14 new languages. The new version is already live in the Mac App Store and finally looks the part on Apple’s latest line of MacBook Pros with Retina displays. The update comes only a month after Twitter brought its TweetDeck app for Mac and Windows into line with the popular Web version.
Here is what the app looks like now, compared to the previous, 2-years-old version:
The update might seem barely noticeable, but makes a world of difference on a Retina display, finally replacing blurry text with crisp Retina font rendering. Unfortunately, Twitter has still not implemented support for Mountain Lion’s Notification Center, a feature which itself includes a Tweet button once paired with a Twitter account.
The New Tweet box, where you can compose new tweets, can be opened multiple times and also includes a dedicated button for attaching images, rather than the drag and drop approach it previously used.
The update is very much welcome and is hopefully indicative of Twitter’s intentions to better maintain its official clients, particularly since introducing API limits for third-party applications which have hindered app development on all operating systems.